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Operationalizing Climate Resilience
for Equitable Outcomes


Equipping Leaders
with Methods, Tools, and Training
for a Sustainable Future

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New Courses for Operationalizing Climate Resilience

On Earth Day 2024, FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI) announced the Climate Adaptation & Hazard Mitigation Certificate Program (EMI Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Certificate ( This program consists of four foundational courses offered through EMI and multiple elective courses offered by training partners such as George Tech EI2 Global and Alliance Solutions Group, Inc.


Conducting Whole Community Climate Risk & Vulnerability Assessments


Extreme weather events are on the rise, becoming more frequent, severe, and long-lasting. This makes it challenging for communities to assess and manage risks that are typically based on historical data. To prepare for risks associated with climate change, we must incorporate methods that leverage future projections and their impacts throughout the community.

Is your community ready to address the impacts of climate change?

Register today for one of our virtual courses held monthly:

  • Sep 11, 2024; 9 AM EDT
  • Sep 15, 2024; 11 AM CDT; Breezy Point, MN AMEM conference (in-person)
  • Oct 9, 2024; 11 AM EDT
  • Nov 6, 2024; 9 AM EDT
  • Dec 11, 2024; 11 AM EDT
  • Jan 8, 2025; 9 AM EDT
  • Feb 12, 2025; 11 AM EDT
  • Mar 12, 2025; 9 AM EDT
  • Apr 9, 2025; 11 AM EDT
  • May 7, 2025; 9 AM EDT
  • Jun 11, 2025; 11 AM EDT

Integrating Climate Change and Equity into Preparedness Activities


With extreme weather events increasing in frequency and intensity, integrating the whole community throughout preparedness activities is essential for achieving more equitable outcomes. This course will provide emergency planners, managers, and responders with the best practices for including the whole community of stakeholders throughout the preparedness cycle in order to invest in underserved and disadvantaged communities.

Are you ready to enhance preparedness among the whole community?

Register today for one of our virtual courses held monthly

  • Sep 12, 2024; 9 AM EDT
  • Oct 10, 2024; 11am EDT
  • Nov 7, 2024; 9 AM EDT
  • Dec 12, 2024; 11 AM EDT
  • Jan 9, 2025; 9 AM EDT
  • Feb 13, 2025; 11 AM EDT
  • Mar 13, 2025; 9 AM EDT
  • Apr 10, 2025; 11 AM EDT
  • May 8, 2025; 9 AM EDT
  • Jun 12, 2025; 11 AM EDT

Achieving Equitable Outcomes through Effective Public Information and Warning


Diverse populations receive, process, and interpret risk differently. When communication breakdowns occur, the result is catastrophic. Building trust and effective communication methods across the whole community is essential to improving survivability and more equitable outcomes.

Are you equipped to effectively communicate climate risks across the whole community?

Contact us to host a course or register for one of the locations listed below:

  • Salem, OR (Sep 20, 2024)

Crisis Leadership: Resolving Climate Impacts Through Community Lifelines


As climate-induced disasters become more frequent, intense, and longer in duration, communities need to establish more robust systems for mitigating these impacts and addressing disproportionate effects on vulnerable populations.

Are you ready to implement climate resilience strategies?

Contact us to host a course or register for one of the locations listed below:

  • Salem, OR (Sep 19, 2024)

The escalating frequency, consequences, and duration of extreme weather events coupled with a changing climate will reshape communities and ecosystems. Understanding and adapting to these challenges is crucial to ensuring a sustainable and secure future.

According to the Fourth National Climate Assessment, by the end of the century, financial losses due to climate change could reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually across multiple sectors, including health, agriculture, and infrastructure, putting the well-being of millions at risk.

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How can communities operationalize climate resilience and achieve equitable outcomes?

Developing strategies to prepare underserved populations and disadvantaged communities will enhance resilience for the whole community across all hazards.

According to the NCA, extreme heat and heavy precipitation events are intensifying due to climate change. These climate changes can deepen existing social and economic inequalities, as vulnerable communities often lack the resources for effective response and adaptation

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Our organizations have partnered under FEMA Grant No. EMW-2022-CA-00038-S01 to develop NEW COURSES and tools to raise awareness and build capacity, climate resilience, and equitable outcomes among the whole community in support of the Justice 40 Initiative.

Our Training Will Provide Community Leaders:

Effective CommunicationTools

Empowering disadvantaged communities with real-time, risk- based information to enhance their climate resilience.

Risk-based Planning Strategies

Essential resources to support whole community climate resilience and disaster preparedness efforts.

Expanded Collaborative Networks

Strengthen regional relationships among government, community- based organizations, private sector, and citizens.

Enhanced Decision-Making Skills

Promote effective crisis leadership through deliberate planning, training, and collaboration among community leaders.

More about ASG’s and GTRI’s Partnership

In October of 2020, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) awarded Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) a 3-year grant to develop and deliver training, tools and resources aimed at building economic recovery capabilities among American businesses through enhancing whole community and regional resilience. The training will also provide Economic Develop Organizations (EDO) the tools and resources required to support businesses during the recovery process of major disasters. Alliance Solutions Group, Ing. (ASG) will partner with GTRI in the research, development and delivery of the training.

GTRI’s Enterprise Innovation Institute (EI²) is the business outreach arm of GTRI, serving as the primary vehicle to achieve the goal of expanded local, regional, and global outreach in support of businesses. EI² has a rich history of supporting EDOs which has led to hundreds of community projects in economic development training, strategic planning, workforce development, manufacturing community development, infrastructure programs, innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem building, and fiscal and economic impact analyses. EI² brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise and research to this project ensuring a thorough and effective training program.

ASG has over 15 years of corporate experience developing innovative training, exercise and management programs that build sustainable disaster preparedness and environmental, health and safety capabilities among both the private and public sectors. ASG’s subject matter experts have served over 2,900 communities worldwide (pop. 67 Mil), reaching 17 countries and 48 states. ASG’s comprehensive approach to building resilience and response capabilities will greatly aid the successful development and delivery of these new courses.

IThis FEMA grant was developed in response to the need for enhancing economic resilience among U.S. businesses, specifically in the aftermath of major disasters with long recovery periods. As our nation’s communities have grown in complexity through innovation and technological advances, the potential for massive economic damage in the wake of disasters has increased. In 2017, several hurricanes, combined with devastating wildfires and other catastrophes, cost the U.S. economy a record $307 billion. In 2020, the CBO estimated that the COVID-19 pandemic will cost the U.S. economy $8 trillion over the next decade. According to FEMA, 75% of businesses that do not have business continuity plans will fail within three years of a natural disaster. History is witness that many businesses, the lifeblood of our economy, are not equipped to survive and recover from major disasters common to their region. This training program has been specifically designed to tackle these resilience and recover challenges.

This is not the first time GTRI and ASG have teamed up to design, develop and deliver new training courses for FEMA. In 2016, GTRI, in partnership with ASG, was awarded a 3-year grant to develop and deliver five new hazardous materials training courses aimed at strengthening community response and management of hazardous materials disasters.It was a successful partnership, and the delivery of the objectives outlined in the grant was completed in 2019.