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Argus Elite® Hazmat sUAS Demonstrates Port Security Capabilities

Argus Elite® Hazmat sUAS Demonstrates Port Security Capabilities

Alliance Solutions Group, Inc. (ASG) was selected to demonstrate the Hazmat response capabilities of the Argus Elite® Hazmat sUAS during the Port Security and Emergency Response pilot project in Hampton Roads, VA, on August 16, 2023. The flight demonstration was conducted at the York County Hazmat Training Center in Seaford, VA. The project was sponsored by the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation (VIPC), the Virginia Institute for Spaceflight & Autonomy (VISA) at Old Dominion University (ODU) and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM).

The Argus Elite® Hazmat sUAS is designed for quick deployment at the scene of a Hazmat incident. It enhances Hazmat response decision-making with in-flight detection capabilities while results are displayed in real-time on the ground station. The Argus Elite® Hazmat sUAS features an innovative, ducted-fan platform design enabling sensors to seamlessly detect hazardous materials without disturbance from the vehicle’s thrust vector. This unique design feature offers significant advantages over using multi-copter UAS for this application because multi-copters displace underlying hazardous materials with a column of air from above rendering it nearly impossible to accurately detect and quantify the hazard as it flies through and displaces the hazard.

The flight demonstration also highlighted the following capabilities of the Argus Elite® Hazmat sUAS:

  • Elevated Perspective of the Incident
  • Hazmat Mapping of the Isolated Zone
  • Hazmat Mapping of the Protective Action Zone
  • EO/IR Camera Support for Situational Support

The Port Security and Emergency Response pilot project sought to identify new technologies that can enhance port security. The Argus Elite® Hazmat sUAS was selected to demonstrate how UAS can increase port security and emergency response when the systems incorporate EO/IR cameras and Hazmat sensors. ASG conducted the demonstration along with AVID, their partner in developing the Argus Elite® Hazmat sUAS.

To read the press release of this event from EIN Presswire, click HERE.

Want to learn more about the Argus Elite® Hazmat sUAS?

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