From Bob Campbell, CEO of Alliance Solutions Group, Inc.
A couple weeks ago, extreme weather wreaked havoc throughout the Midwest. Last week another cold front produced 100-mph winds in Kansas and Nebraska. Over the last two years, the world has suffered through the pandemic, experienced labor shortages, supply chain disruptions, civil unrest, and cyberattacks. There is no shortage of man-made and natural disasters plaguing our world. Many have lost hope as indicated by the increase in suicides, school shootings, looting, and demand for mental health services. The world is aching.
Too often we put our ultimate hope in the things that will ultimately fail us: ourselves, our institutions, our employers, our politics, and our government. When our expectations are unmet, we lose hope and faith. We have been taught that we can do anything we dream, so when we try and fail, we lose hope. We trust that our schools have the best interest of our kids and that the buses will run every day, but when our kids are pushed along despite needing additional help, and the buses don’t run due to COVID or walkouts, we lose hope. When politicians fail to keep their promises, we lose hope. When government creates disasters instead of preventing and mitigating disasters, we lose hope. If this is all we have to hope in, the world becomes a dismal place.
But there is a true hope that does not fail, waiver or fade. The creator of the universe loved us so much that he came to earth to live among us, entering the world as a baby, 2,000 years ago. This event that changed human history was welcomed relief for those suffering, hurting, oppressed, and overlooked. Jesus performed miracles, healing illnesses, raising others from the dead, and eventually rising himself after his crucifixion, appearing to many of his followers. His life, death, and resurrection offer hope to the hopeless, forgiveness to the repentant, and an eternal purpose. He sought the least of these and gave them hope. He is a light unto a dark world. His promises never fade. Jesus invites all to experience true hope and empowers his followers to live a life of freedom, to love others, and to serve as his hands and feet by reflecting his peace, love, and hope in this suffering world.
May you experience the peace, hope and love of Jesus during this season. Merry Christmas.