The effectiveness of crisis leadership is especially visible and relevant all over the world at this time. Alliance Solutions Group (ASG) created a course for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) titled, Crisis Leadership and Decision Making, and delivered this course to over one thousand crisis leaders across the United States.
Handling Information Overload During A Crisis
LJB Inc. and ASG Team Up to Provide Pandemic Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation Services
LJB and Alliance Solutions Group (ASG) have entered into a teaming agreement to provide professional engineering, emergency management, health, safety, and environmental services to clients nationwide. Re-opening businesses quickly and safely requires the integration of these disciplines.
Tips for Essential Retail and Grocery Store Safety
Grocery stores and other essential retail centers are some of the world’s most valuable resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are a necessity in providing food and other resources to citizens who are staying home. Because of their importance and the high volumes of traffic, these facilities must be kept safe, clean, and avoid spreading the virus to employees or customers. Bob Campbell, of Alliance Solutions Group (ASG), offers some of ASG’s tips for making essential retail stores safe and effective for the public they serve.
Framework for Navigating a Crisis and Preventing Disasters
Emergencies are often initially described in obscure ways. This is typically due to a lack of understanding of how to categorize incidents and an unawareness of the spectrum from an unplanned incident to a full-scale disaster.
Facing New Health Challenges While Working from Home
Right now, people around the globe are being encouraged to stay home. Disruptions from routine are becoming the new norm. Children are participating in homeschool, and adults are working from home, many of them for the first time.
Transitioning from Crisis to recovery, ASG Continues to Support Clients in Achieving Resiliency and Hope for the Future, a Message from CEO Bob Campbell.
As we face an unprecedented, escalating international crisis, Alliance Solutions Group (ASG) is continuing to provide environmental, health, safety, and emergency management solutions to our customers and care for our team members affected by this crisis.
Reducing Ergonomic Injuries in the Office
Have you or someone you know been affected by a Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WMSD) in the workplace? According to a 2013 Bureau of Labor Statistics report, WMSD cases accounted for 33% of all reported workplace injury and illness incidents.
ASG Helps Dubai Airports Company First Responders Become Best Prepared in the Region
Expo 2020 Dubai, an international event designed to celebrate human progress, showcase advances in technology, and bring together people and cultures from around the globe, will be held in Dubai from October 2020 to April 2021, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is busy preparing.
Preparation and Risk Management Are Important Winter Travel Safety Tools for Frequent Travelers
Whether driving or flying, winter storm conditions can affect plans and cause hazards along the way, causing icy roads, cancelled flights, and everything in between. Annually, 60,000 flights get cancelled due to winter weather (Business Insider). And in a 10-year period, icy roads caused over 150,000 car crashes (Federal Highway Administration). The most important goal of all travel is to arrive at the intended destination safely.
Protecting Against Ergonomic Injury Leaves Employees Healthier, and Businesses More Productive
Eighty percent of Americans will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives (UNC School of Medicine). Between 4-10 million Americans experience Carpal Tunnel Syndrome annually (American College of Rheumatology). And 86% of all American workers spend most of their time on the job sitting down (US News). These statistics tell a familiar story to anyone who has ever worked in an office— of the problem presented by ergonomic injuries sustained on the job.